Weight Loss Programme

At BMACS, weight loss programmes involves diet / healthy eating, lifestyle changes and if applicable, prescription of a medicine which will help in weight loss by suppressing hunger.

To keep your body fit & fine, good nutrition and diet is very important. It is vital to know which food is better for your body and which is not to keep healthy lifestyle. But, these days, due to the busy life, people ignore the healthy diet and hence are deficient in a lot of vitamins and minerals and develop allergies.

Our doctors will dill do all the appropriate tests according to the patients’ medical history and will refer to a specialist nutritionist to advise the practical healthy menu diet according to their preference.

Our doctor will discuss the diets with the patients and its impact on the body and help the patients to choose the appropriate diet for them. Following are some of the diets our doctors recommends:

  • Standard Western Diet
  • Paleo Diet
  • Ketogenic Diet
  • Vegan Diet
  • Paleo Keto Diet
  • Low fat diet
  • Membrane Diet
  • 5/2 fasting Diet
  • Autoimmune Diet
  • GAPS Diet and many others…

To book a consultation or for more information, please call BMACS at 02036330332.

Weight Loss Program Members ​Pay As You Go
Consultation (1st appointment) £72.00 £144.00
Consultation (follow up appointments) £52.00 £104.00
fitness tests from blood test expert £131.40 £131.40

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