Gummy Smile

Gummy Smile

The smile can bring charm to one’s personality or it can make it unattractive. So, a smile is one of the most important feature of anybody’s persona.

When someone’s smile is too stretchy that it shows their gums is called a gummy smile. This is due to the unproportioned size of the teeth and gum. It can be an unattractive smile which makes a person very conscious to express their feeling of joy and can have negative effect on their lives.

Not only gums and teeth, but also upper lip and upper jaw plays a vital role in gummy smile. With the combination of factors results a gummy smile.

BMACS can help you from escaping a gummy smile and get a beautiful smile. It is a simple yet effective process. Our procedure includes non-surgical method of treatment by injecting Botox into the upper lip’s hyperactive muscle which will help a patient to smile without too much visibility of teeth and gums. The process will hardly take 5-10 minutes and it will start showing its results in three-four days. It effect will lasts for around 3-4months.

For consultation or book an appointment, please call us at 02036330332


Tiny injections to relax muscles

Recovery Time

10 minutes.


9-12 months

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