Chin Enhancement with Dermal Filler

What is Chin Enhancement?

To augment the look of the face, BMACS offers a treatment of Chin Enhancement. In this treatment, the dermal filler is used to enhance the patient’s chin. A dermal filler injection is inserted via a tiny needle to define chin’s shape and its surrounding area.

Is the treatment painful?

Chin Enhancement has minimal to no pain. It is fast and quick procedure.

How long does it take to treat?

It hardly takes 10-15 minutes to finish the treatment.

How long does it last for?

The effect of the treatment can last upto 1 year.

Are there any side effects of Chin Enhancement?

The common side effect of chin enhancement is bruising and swelling due to injection, which will disappear in a couple of days.

Is Chin Enhancement safe in a long term?

Yes, the dermal fillers are completely safe in long term with no side effects.

For more information about Chin Enhancement at BMACS, or book a consultation or an appointment, please call us at 02036330332


Dermal Fillers with Hyaluronic Acid

Recovery Time

3 days


Upto 1 year